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M715 Roadtrip - CA to NJ
Day 7 - 4/13
Met with the family, then started trying to find a starter motor. Not easy! One junkyard was part of a nationwide network, which said they only had 6 starters in the entire country, the nearest being
500 miles away. After calling about 20 junkyards, got a suggestion for another one to call, which had a suggestion for another one... which said they might have one (he didn't want to spend the energy
to go check), and only about 60 miles away! Drove there, one semi-unfriendly guy with over two thousand cars in the backyard. He had one 230 engine, sitting in the back of a chevy van, with the starter
still attached. Gave him $50, popstarted the jeep, and drove back to put in our new motor. Took it apart, oiled everything (it was pretty stiff), gave it a once-over, and put it back together. Decided
to wait for the next day to put it in, as it was dark and the BBQ was done...
4/12 15:56 PDT
4/13 18:14 PDT
4/13 18:15 PDT
4/13 18:15 PDT

4/13 18:15 PDT
4/13 18:15 PDT
4/13 18:15 PDT
4/13 18:15 PDT

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Day 8 - 4/14
Installed the starter first thing in the morning, worked great. Got reminded how incredibly annoying it is to get the bolts threaded in while lying on your back under it, trying to support the motor with
one hand and turn the bolt with the other, while everything is in the way, crud is falling in your face, and you're being slimed by every drip-covered part under the jeep, followed by the half hour of
turning each bolt 1/12th of a turn at a time. Also adjusted the e-brake and various other maintenance tasks. Spent the rest of the day playing with family and getting more music for the ipod.
Day 9 - 4/15
Not too much done today related to the jeep or the trip - spent most of it playing with Maya and explaining the physics behind raytracing and photon mapping, as well as playing with the little kids -
including a jeep rooftop ride up and down the block.
4/14 14:07 PDT

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